Be the Change You Want to See in the World
2720 people committed to fight global warming
We need to do this together. Read below what you can do and join!
Save Energy
There are several ways for saving energy. An additional advantage is that in most cases you save money as well. Using renewable energy - energy collected from sunlight, wind, water... - may be the most opportune, long-term solution.
Travel Smart
Needless to say that mobility contributes significantly to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Try to fly as infrequently as possible, consider alternatives like the train. Drive less, carpool or even better, make use of public transportation to go to work.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Buy less new products and consider environmental friendly ones. Reuse bottles, recycle paper, reduce your waste. Avoid products with a lot of packaging. And more...
Plant a Tree
Planting trees or growing your own fruit and vegetables, can help reducing global warming. They consume CO2 during the process of photosynthesis and lower its presence in the atmosphere.
Eat Local, Seasonal Food
Eating fruit and vegetables is important for your health. But transportation of food is expensive in terms of environmental impact. Eat as much local, seasonal fruit and vegetables as possible. They taste best, too.
Eat Less Meat
Meat production costs a significant amount of natural resources and produces greenhouse gases like methane. Skipping meat two days a week or eating less each day gets you far in reducing your ecological footprint.
Don’t check your email, Facebook, Twitter, ... every 5 minutes. It all consumes energy. Less surfing saves you time, too. An average website loads in > 2 Mb, this one in less then 10 kb to save energy!
There are many more things you can do, but you can start here, committing to try!